What is a colposcopy?
Rationale for primary HPV screening instead of a “PAP smear”.
Women Centre has a dedicated dysplasia/colposcopy department, ensuring all referrals are seen within 2 weeks. High grade abnormalities are prioritised to be seen within 1 week.
We understand the anxiety related to having an abnormal “PAP smear”/co-test (HPV test and/or liquid based cytology) and hence provide a comprehensive service using only the best equipment and staff to ensure best patient outcomes.
Dr Jason Tan is a subspecialist certified Gynaecological Oncologist performing colposcopy, vaginoscopy and vulvoscopy for:
He regularly provides 2nd opinions to general gynaecologists when the findings are inconclusive or difficult to interpret.
Usually, after the initial appointment, if any biopsies are taken, they will be reviewed by a pathologist who subspecialises in gynaepathology. Results will then be available within 1-2weeks, and if treatment is required, an appointment date will be given when the results are conveyed to the patient.
As we have all the necessary equipment and specially trained nursing staff available, treatment can be performed in the rooms under local anaesthetic without the need for a general anaesthetic or admission into a hospital should that be the patient’s choice. Treatment, if required (usually a LLETZ: Large loop excision of the transformation zone) can be performed immediately after the biopsy results are back, reviewed by our specialists and after in-depth discussion with the patient regarding management options.
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